Goldtree is aligned with and adheres to the eight principles of the RSPO Principles and Criteria for the Production of Sustainable Palm Oil (2013) applicable to all growers of oil palm including small producers:
1. Pledged to all relevant stakeholders to be transparent about all its operations.
2. Operating in complaince with all applicable laws and regulations.
3. Dedicated to long-term economic and financial viability.
4. Implementation of appropriate best practices as agreed by the RSPO.
5. Environmentally responsible and conserve natural resources and biodiversity.
6. Responsibility for its employees and for individuals and communities partnering with Goldtree.
7. New planting will be undertaken in a responsible manner without any deforestation, loss of habitat, loss of livelihoods whatsoever.
8. Commitment to continuous improvement of its key activities.
Company Policies
Below are each of Goldtree's business policies that the company adheres to, which have directly or indirectly been influenced by the RSPO Princinples & Criteria
Sexual Harassment, Harassment & Workplace Related Violence Policy
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
External Communications: Standard Operating Procedure
Forced and Trafficked Labour Policy
Policy Against Violence, Harassment and use of Mercenaries and Paramilitaries
Non-discrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy
Engagement towards RSPO certification
Policy Preventing Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women from Exposure to Hazardous Material
Public Notification of RSPO Initial Audit of Independent Smallholders