Planting Naturals strives to support positive economic development in the communities in which it operates. Not only does the company create new job opportunities, but it also continuously supports farmers with trainings in sustainable yield intensification, and pays premium prices for their organic palm fruit. These activities are part of the Planting Naturals’ empowerment initiatives, which aim at ending the circle of poverty that affects many farmers in developing countries.
Examples of current programs that have been implemented are as follows:
Planting Naturals strives to empower the producers of oil palm by providing them with the necessary knowledge on organic agriculture practices, composting, multi-cropping, yield intensification and other important topics. Additionally, farmers receive training in labor related issues such as health and safety, equal opportunities and non-discrimination policies, first aid, labor legislation and technical information specific to each job.
The company promotes the association of small farm producers. It promotes leadership and self-reliance in negotiation processes, generates a space for discussion, and allows farmers to reach agreements that have a mutual benefit. Starting in 2016, officers of Nedoil’s Internal Control System started the consultations with smallholders, who are part of the Nedoil’s supply base, which is located within in 5 chiefdoms with 111 villages. In 2019, the constitution of the organisation has been adopted and the organisation has been officially registered. The farmers agreed to names their organisation DIMDIN, which means in the local dialect Temne ‘Unity’. As a motto, the farmers chose a phrase in Krio ‘We All Na Wan’, which can be translated as ‘We Are All One’.